Stand Up Architecture: Freeform surfaces from single curved panels

Stand Up Architecture: Freeform surfaces from single curved panels: "Freeform surfaces from single curved panels
Since I found out last week that the proposed system only can be used to make single curved surfaces I started searching for methods (for example a Rhino Plugin) to convert a freeform surface into single curved (developable) panels.

I found out that Rhino has a method for lofting developable surfaces on basis of polygons, curves or Bsplines. I tried this method to loft some Bsplines into developable surfaces, but I experienced some problems, especially with lofting complex shapes. In these cases, the method doesn’t produce very fluent shapes, in comparison to double curved lofting methods.

On the internet I found a very interesting paper called 'Freeform surfaces from single curved panels'. The paper describes a method to approximate double curved surfaces by single curved D-strips (click here to read this paper). The method was developed by H. Pottmann. Besides the geometrical explanation of the method, the papers also shows some very convincing examples of freeform shapes which are constructed out of developable (single curved) D-strips............"