Building a Structural Awning - Sail Shades - Triangular Awning - Sailrite
Matematik C - første bind i - lærebogssystem i matematik til gymnasiet. Forlaget HAx
3. Geometriske beviser
Trekanter: http://www.hax.dk/pdf/matAB1p140141.pdf
Hax MatC:
Vejen til Matematik C er det første bind i vores lærebogssystem i matematik til gymnasiet.
Danmarks største lagerprogram
Vi handler med de fleste metaller; aluminium, messing, kobber, bronze, nysølv og mange flere.
Der er altid over 1700 tons og 4000 dimensioner på lager, og vi udvider fortsat.
Vi sælger plader, stænger, rør, profiler, fladskinner, bånd, tråd m.m.
Vores kendetegn er et finmasket udvalg af dimensioner - fra de mindste til de største og alle de skæve imellem. Derfor kan vi oftest levere præcis den dimension, du søger.
A/S Metalcentret
Ejby Industrivej 100
2600 Glostrup
CVR nr. 83983515
Telefon +45 4363 2122
Fax +45 4363 2131
man. 08:00-15:30
tir.-fre. 07:30-15:30
fre. 08:00-15:30
Viden om træ - en service fra Teknologisk Institut,
Velkommen til Viden om Træ
Viden om Træ dækker teknisk, faglig viden og information rettet mod industri og erhverv, der arbejder med eller på anden måde beskæftiger sig med træ og møbler.
Viden om Træ er en formidling af den nyeste viden og forskning så resultaterne kan anvendes i praksis. Vi har med Viden om Træ åbnet op til et netværk af uvildige eksperter.
Viden om Træ er et tilbud til dig og din virksomhed, hvor I hurtigt og effektivt kan få svar på spørgsmål og sikre jer en løbende ajourført viden på netop jeres fagområde.
Viden om Træ er også navnet på et videnblad, som udgives 5-6 gange årligt. Indholdet af bladet gengives også på web-sitet.
Viden om Træ er også en del af aktiviteterne bag ved Udviklingscenter for Møbler og Træ i Skive, hvor Skive Tekniske Skole, TIC-Viborg, Viborg Amt og Teknologisk Institut sammen med møbelindustrien skaber et kreativt udviklings- og læringsmiljø til fremme af møbelindustrien. Nye uddannelser, nye produkter, nye virksomhedsorganiseringer er alt sammen tiltag, der stiller krav om opdateret og aktuel viden. Viden, som der kan bruges relativt mange ressourcer og tid på at finde og sikre kvaliteten af.
OSB- & K-spånplade huset
SketchUp Updates
Shop.Aquatex.dk - Uldfilt i farve: 203 vanille
Shop.Aquatex.dk - Uldfilt i farve: 203 vanille: "
Pris for 2 og 5 mm tykkelse bliver beregnet ved valg af tykkelse.
Uldfilt i farve: 203 vanille
Tip en ven
Uldfilt i 100% ren uld. Bredde 180 cm og tykkelser på 2 mm, 3 mm og 5 mm. Mange farver
UldfiIt i farve: 203 vanille
100 % ren fåreuld
Hårdhed: 0,28 g/cm3
Tykkelse: 2, 3 eller 5 mm
Bredde: 180 cm
Vand- og smudsafvisende
Mange dejlige farver.
Alle farver fås i 3 mm tykkelse. Nogen af farverne i 2 mm tykkelse og nogen farver i 5 mm tykkelse.
Find din farve og se hvilke tykkelser, der er til rådighed.
Til møbler, hynder, kunsthåndværk, filttæpper, bordskånere, bordløbere, vægtæpper, akustikforbedring, tavler ...
Pris pr. løbende meter i 180 cm bredde. Den angivne pris er for uldfilten i 3 mm tykkelse.
Pris for 2 og 5 mm tykkelse bliver beregnet ved valg af tykkelse."
'via Blog this'
Centerfinder and trammel in one
Centerfinder and trammel in one
Here's one simple jig that does the work of two. Use it to locate the center of round stock, or use the increment holes to mark different sizes of circles and arcs.
Cut the body to the size and shape noted on the drawing at right from 3/4" stock. Using a hacksaw, crosscut a piece of 1/8x1" aluminum bar stock to 12" in length for the blade. Mark the screwhole centerpoints and increment hole centerpoints on the blade, where dimensioned on the Hole Location Detail. Using your drill press, drill three countersunk screwholes through the blade. Then drill the increment holes and the pivot hole. Drilling through the aluminum will create rough surfaces, so sand the aluminum smooth with 220-grit sandpaper.
Use a square to positon the blade perpendicular to the end of the body at the apex of the V-shaped notch. Using the screw holes in the blade as guides, drill pilot holes into the wood body. Screw the two pieces together.
Using the tool
To find the center of round stock, such as the bowl blank shown above, rotate the body of the tool around the diameter of the stock and mark a pair of roughly perpendicular intersecting lines as shown. The intersection marks the centerpoint.
To use as a trammel, fit an awl, nail, or other pointed object through the pivot hole in the body and blade. Using one of the previously drilled increment holes in the bar, rotate the tool around the trammel pivot point to mark a circle or arc, as shown, at right.
COMPUTER www.ergopartner.dk MUS Træningsbold
Hold en pause ind imellem, når du sidder ved computeren. Når du arbejder med bolden (blot ved at klemme den) øger du blodcirkulationen og får arbejdet med de små muskler der findes i fingre, hænder og arme. Bruges også som afstresning og når du først har en kan du ikke undvære den."
Topo Designs – Backpacks, Bags and Accessories Made in Colorado, USA » Collection » Catalog Products » Klettersack
Topo Designs – Backpacks, Bags and Accessories Made in Colorado, USA » Collection » Catalog Products » Klettersack: "Klettersack
Our classic Klettersack. An ideal travel companion, workmate or pack mule for the daily hike in the hills. We use 1000d Cordura for the exterior and coated pack cloth for an entirely lined inner compartment. Our natural leather lash tabs are perfect for securing extra gear or attaching a bike light.
All of our bags are handmade in our LEED Certified shop here in Colorado."
fineartpub.com | About the Prints
Rag Photographique is a 100% cotton museum grade white Fine Art and photo paper. The exceptional smooth white tone is achieved during manufacturing by introducing natural minerals to the process. It has been developed to address the need for continued longevity requirements in the Digital Fine Art market.
Rag Photographique offers a unique extra smooth surface with a sensual feel. It also provides one of the highest achievable Dmax currently available on the market, making it ideal for fine art photography as well as fine art printmaking.
All prints are printed at Digital Design Österlenin Sweden, a certified Digigraphie Lab, on Epson Stulys Pro 9900 printers. With this printer and the Canson RAG paper, the prints are guaranteed to last for at least 69 years before noticeable fading or changes in color balance if framed under normal glass. If you use UV-protcted glass the print will last for more than 120 years. For more details about testing papers see
http://www.wilhelm-research.com "
Determinación geométrica de los números primos y perfectos
Determinación geométrica de los números primos y perfectos: "Determinación geométrica de los números primos y perfectos."
NASA - About NASA Education
These accomplishments share a common genesis: education. As the United States begins the second century of flight, the Nation must maintain its commitment to excellence in science, technology, engineering and mathematics education to ensure that the next generation of Americans can accept the full measure of their roles and responsibilities in shaping the future.
NASA will continue the Agency’s tradition of investing in the Nation’s education programs and supporting the country’s educators who play a key role in preparing, inspiring, exciting, encouraging, and nurturing the young minds of today who will be the workforce of tomorrow. In 2006 and beyond, NASA will continue to pursue three major education goals: -- Strengthening NASA and the Nation's future workforce -- Attracting and retaining students in science, technology, engineering and mathematics, or STEM, disciplines -- Engaging Americans in NASA's mission"
NASA - A Pictorial History of Rockets
Gatopardos - The Biggest Video Bank - Mesh modeling in AutoCAD 2010 starting with a rectangle. Videos
Gatopardos - The Biggest Video Bank - Mesh modeling in AutoCAD 2010 starting with a rectangle. Videos: "Mesh modeling in AutoCAD 2010 starting with a rectangle."
Create Meshes (Concept)-Autodesk AutoCAD 2008 Users Guide-kxcad
- Ruled mesh. RULESURF creates a polygon mesh representing the ruled surface between two lines or curves.
- Tabulated mesh. TABSURF creates a polygon mesh representing a general tabulated surface defined by the extrusion of a line or curve (called a path curve) in a specified direction and distance (called a direction vector).
- Revolved mesh. REVSURF creates a polygon mesh approximating a surface of revolution by rotating a path curve or profile (lines, circles, arcs, ellipses, elliptical arcs, polylines, or splines, closed polylines, polygons, closed splines, or donuts) about a specified axis.
- Edge-defined mesh. EDGESURF creates a polygon mesh approximating a Coons surface patch mesh from four adjoining edges. A Coons surface patch mesh is a bicubic surface interpolated between four adjoining edges (which can be general space curves).
- Predefined 3D mesh. 3D creates three-dimensional polygon mesh objects in common geometric shapes, including boxes, cones, spheres, tori, wedges, and pyramids.
- General meshes. 3DMESH and PFACE create three-dimensional polygon mesh objects in any shape.
3d structures constructed out of identical panels I digital folding | ampula
Both methods should generate 3d structures constructed out of identical panels. Using it in real life is significant price-cutting factor, although there is a possibility of massive prototyping of individual elements nowadays.digital folding ampula