fornydinhal.dk -

fornydinhal.dk -: "Akustik, aktiviteter og rumtyper
Løsningen er udarbejdet af Bo Mortensen, Akustik"

Akustik, aktiviteter og rumtyper
Løsningen er udarbejdet af Bo Mortensen, Akustik
I det følgende anføres en række af de akustiske hensyn som knytter sig til forskellige rumtyper og aktiviteter:
Klar akustiske kommunikation,- altså en forholdsvis

fornydinhal.dk -

fornydinhal.dk -: "Materialer
Løsningen er udarbejdet af Bo Mortensen, Akustik

Loftets struktur med eventuelle bjælker, kassetter eller lign. har kun sjældent væsentlig indflydelse på idrætshallens akustiske forhold. I det følgende anføres en række muligheder og eksempler på akustiske bearbejdninger af lofter. De anførte materialer skal i alle tilfælde vurderes i forhold til samtlige øvrige materialehensyn, eksempelvis krav vedrørende fugt, rengøring, brand, holdbarhed mv."

Installation Guides - pinta acoustic, inc.

Installation Guides - pinta acoustic, inc.: "pinta acoustic's products are quick and easy to install. Here are the basic things you need to know before you begin. Click here to read.
PDF Installation Guides
Baffle Installation
Panel Installation
Ceiling Tile Installation
FABRITEC Installation"

Accu-Dan - Støjdæmpning - lydisolering af maskiner - støjforhæng - bendel

Accu-Dan - Støjdæmpning - lydisolering af maskiner - støjforhæng - bendel: "Bendel gardin - lydgardin"

Acoustic Foams Willtec Specs

Acoustic Foams Willtec Specs: "New and Improved SONEX
Setting the Industry Standard with willtec® (a Dupont product)
willtec®, the raw material which Class1 SONEX foams are made from, is semi-flexible and easy to cut, mold, trim, laminate and install. SONEX products made with willtec® have the following properties:"

  • Excellent heat insulation properties with no flaming drip (see figure 1 below) Resistance to constant temperatures as high as 302 °F (short-term up to 482 °F possible)
  • Compliance with ASTM E 84 Class 1 requirements (see below)
  • Fiber-Free
  • ISO 9001 certified Light-weight, semi-flexible, with very low density (see figure 2 below)
  • Excellent sound control characteristics in a wide range of frequencies
  • Resistance to organic solvents and a variety of diluted acids and alkali
  • Economic use, easy installation, and effortless maintenance
  • Available in uncoated natural white or coated with special finishes

willtec® can withstand extreme temperatures with no flaming drip

Magnified view of willtec® internal structure of slim, flexible webs


Fabric-Wrapped Panels - Fabritec

Fabric-Wrapped Panels - Fabritec: "FABRITEC Wall Panels easily add texture, color and acoustical balance to any room. Choose from a variety of fabrics, colors and textures, including Guilford FR701 and microperforated vinyl. All FABRITEC Wall Panels are made-to-order with either square or beveled edges."


Rite in the Rain Cordura 3 in. x 5 in. & 4 in. x 6 in. Notebook Covers

Rite in the Rain Cordura 3 in. x 5 in. & 4 in. x 6 in. Notebook Covers: "Rite in the Rain Cordura Notebook Cover
These Cordura® Covers fit all 3' x 5' or 4' x 6' top spiral notebooks. They have a rugged zipper closure and hold up to 4 writing utensils!
3' x 5' Cordura® Covers:
• Fits One Top Spiral 3' x 5' Notebook
• Outside size: 4' x 5.875'
• Binding: Cordura®
• Weight: 0.1 lb. ea
• Available in Tan, Black or ACU
4' x 6' Cordura® Covers:
• Fits One 4' x 6' Top Spiral Notebook
• Outside size: 5' x 7 1/4'
• Binding: Cordura®
• Weight: 0.15 lb. ea
• Available in Tan, Black or ACU"