Character Modeling in Blender

Character Modeling in Blender: "Character Modeling in Blender"


MYOG: The Incredible Rulk - Rucksack and Pulk Combo @ Backpacking Light

http://www.backpackinglight.com/cgi-bin/backpackinglight/myog_rulk.html: "Starting out. The pack extends some inches aft (on the left) of the Rulk, and the cellpad is cinched in place using sternum strap and hip belt."


Japan's Ikaros Spacecraft Successfully Propelled by Solar Sail | Inhabitat - Green Design Will Save the World

Japan's Ikaros Spacecraft Successfully Propelled by Solar Sail Inhabitat - Green Design Will Save the World: "Each photon of light exerts 0.0002 pounds of pressure on the 3,000-square-foot sail, and one after another they succeeded in propelling the nearly 700-pound drone. Japanese scientists expect to be able to control IKAROS’s velocity by adjusting the angle at which incoming radiation strikes the sails. For a full technical explanation of how the drone is moving, check out the Japanese space agency JAXA’s press release."

YouTube - LEGO hyperbolic paraboloid

YouTube - LEGO hyperbolic paraboloid: "LEGO hyperbolic paraboloid"

Chamber Music Hall - Zaha Hadid Architects

July 2009: "A voluminous ribbon swirls within the room, carving out a spatial and visual response to the intricate relationships of Bach’s harmonies. As the ribbon careens above the performer, cascades into the ground and wraps around the audience, the original room as a box is sculpted into fluid spaces swelling, merging, and slipping through one another.

Chamber Music Hall
Design Team: Zaha Hadid Architects"

http://travelwithfrankgehry.blogspot.com/2009/07/chamber-music-hall-by-zaha-hadid.html via Bustler