class A surfacing
continuity types
Fabric structures
Flat Panels
opdeling i flader
Planar mesh
ribbon swirls
Sail; cover; shade
single curved panels
Thermal Barrier
Unfold Patterns
Whaat's Up SketchUp Plugins Blog: Contest Winner: Modelling a Panton Chair with Subdivide and Smooth
Whaat's Up SketchUp Plugins Blog: Contest Winner: Modelling a Panton Chair with Subdivide and Smooth: "Contest Winner: Modelling a Panton Chair with Subdivide and Smooth"
YouTube - Modeling a Character in Blender The Torso
YouTube - Modeling a Character in Blender The Torso: "Modeling a Character in Blender The Torso" - Home - Home: "Blender is the free open source 3D content creation suite, available for all major operating systems under the GNU General Public License."
Creating paper models
Creating paper models: "Creating paper models EDIT: I am working on an automated script for this purpose. You may want to try it - it could save you a hour of work. Link
Blender comes with a script called Unfold. It can easily turn mesh into a flat net, without deforming any faces. What is it good for?
If you use some more tricks around and are not afraid of mat-knife, you can have all your blends staying in front of you on the table. All you need is a printer, a good glue, two hands and blender (blender is almighty!).
I've made three models yet - the Suzanne (topic here), post appocalyptic tank (topic here) (Alltaken made that model, but he released it under CC here) and a spaceship, the topic is here. It is a simple spaceship without any interesting ideas, because I made it mainly for needs of this tutorial.
You can get the .blend file here."
Blender comes with a script called Unfold. It can easily turn mesh into a flat net, without deforming any faces. What is it good for?
If you use some more tricks around and are not afraid of mat-knife, you can have all your blends staying in front of you on the table. All you need is a printer, a good glue, two hands and blender (blender is almighty!).
I've made three models yet - the Suzanne (topic here), post appocalyptic tank (topic here) (Alltaken made that model, but he released it under CC here) and a spaceship, the topic is here. It is a simple spaceship without any interesting ideas, because I made it mainly for needs of this tutorial.
You can get the .blend file here."
UNFOLD3D Generation 6 User Manual
UNFOLD3D Generation 6 User Manual: "3.1 - Modeling Rules
Unfold3D requires the input mesh to respect a certain number of modeling rules. These rules are generally respected as rules of general modeling hygiene, but they become compulsory to apply Unfold3D's mathematical algorithms:
Rule 1: no edge with 3+ neighboring polygons (see figure). All edges must belong to at most two polygons.
Rule 2: no butterfly point (see figure). A vertice cannot have more than two border edges (ie: edges with only one neighboring polygon) connected to it.
Note that these rules do not limit the possibilities of modeling:
Unfold3D has no problem dealing with holes in the mesh;
the modeling rules are written for triangles, but Unfold3D is perfectly fit to deal with quads or n-gons - Unfold3D will triangulate the mesh anyway, and try to avoid as much as possible the forbidden cases.
Note that non-convex n-gons may cause problems though:"
Unfold3D requires the input mesh to respect a certain number of modeling rules. These rules are generally respected as rules of general modeling hygiene, but they become compulsory to apply Unfold3D's mathematical algorithms:
Rule 1: no edge with 3+ neighboring polygons (see figure). All edges must belong to at most two polygons.
Rule 2: no butterfly point (see figure). A vertice cannot have more than two border edges (ie: edges with only one neighboring polygon) connected to it.
Rule 3: the imported file must comply with OBJ standards, and not use the the ' relative vertex numbering ' mode.
Note that these rules do not limit the possibilities of modeling:
Unfold3D has no problem dealing with holes in the mesh;
the modeling rules are written for triangles, but Unfold3D is perfectly fit to deal with quads or n-gons - Unfold3D will triangulate the mesh anyway, and try to avoid as much as possible the forbidden cases.
Note that non-convex n-gons may cause problems though:"
e-Shop CMS - hjemmeside og e-handelsløsning nemt og enkelt
e-Shop CMS - hjemmeside og e-handelsløsning nemt og enkelt: "Media2 CMS e-Shop 2010
Et effektivt Content Management System (CMS system) til virksomheder. Værktøjet giver mulighed for hurtig opbygning af en komplet e-shop og professionel hjemmeside i samme system. E-Shop udgaven af vores Content Management System indeholder alle de funktioner du har behøver for at kunne drive en professionel e-handelsløsning på Internet.
Uanset om din e-shop henvender til forbrugere, virksomheder eller begge dele er Media2 CMS e-Shop 2010 det perfekte valg. Systemet indeholder udover e-handelsmodul også alle andre nødvendige CMS funktioner, hvilket betyder at du kan samle din hjemmeside og e-handelsløsning i et system."
Et effektivt Content Management System (CMS system) til virksomheder. Værktøjet giver mulighed for hurtig opbygning af en komplet e-shop og professionel hjemmeside i samme system. E-Shop udgaven af vores Content Management System indeholder alle de funktioner du har behøver for at kunne drive en professionel e-handelsløsning på Internet.
Uanset om din e-shop henvender til forbrugere, virksomheder eller begge dele er Media2 CMS e-Shop 2010 det perfekte valg. Systemet indeholder udover e-handelsmodul også alle andre nødvendige CMS funktioner, hvilket betyder at du kan samle din hjemmeside og e-handelsløsning i et system."
Nikwax Waterproofing, Nikwax footwear cleaning, Gore-Tex waterproofing, tent waterproofing, Rucksack waterproofing, Surplus and Adventure online Army Surplus store
Nikwax Waterproofing, Nikwax footwear cleaning, Gore-Tex waterproofing, tent waterproofing, Rucksack waterproofing, Surplus and Adventure online Army Surplus store: "NIKWAX Waterproofing for Clothing, Boots, Tents & Water Repellent Treatments"
Plastplader - "Plastplader"
POMC Plader
POM er et udbredt teknisk materiale indenfor alle industrigrene og anvendes generelt til produktion afemner hvor der kræves æstetisk udseende eller finmekaniske egenskaber.
PA6 Plader
PA er et af de mest anvendte konstruktionsmaterialer indenfor stort set alle industrier. Som halvfabrikata anvendes PA til koblinger, lejer og lignende maskinelementer hvor de gode mekaniske egenskaber og slidstyrken er afgørende.
PVC Plader
PVC anvendes primært til vandbehandlings- eller kemiske anlæg im af rør, fittings, armaturer eller plader, der erarbejdet til kar, beholdere eller ventilationssystemer. Klare PVC Plader bruges som rudemateriale eller tilmede emner.
Akryl (plexiglas) Plader
PMMA er mest kendt som Akryl eller under handelsnavnet Plexiglas. PMMA er et meget smukt materiale, derfor
POMC Plader
POM er et udbredt teknisk materiale indenfor alle industrigrene og anvendes generelt til produktion afemner hvor der kræves æstetisk udseende eller finmekaniske egenskaber.
PA6 Plader
PA er et af de mest anvendte konstruktionsmaterialer indenfor stort set alle industrier. Som halvfabrikata anvendes PA til koblinger, lejer og lignende maskinelementer hvor de gode mekaniske egenskaber og slidstyrken er afgørende.
PVC Plader
PVC anvendes primært til vandbehandlings- eller kemiske anlæg im af rør, fittings, armaturer eller plader, der erarbejdet til kar, beholdere eller ventilationssystemer. Klare PVC Plader bruges som rudemateriale eller tilmede emner.
Akryl (plexiglas) Plader
PMMA er mest kendt som Akryl eller under handelsnavnet Plexiglas. PMMA er et meget smukt materiale, derfor
Linatex: Profil
Linatex: Profil: "Linatex A/S har siden 1951 år leveret teknisk plast og gummi til industrien. Gennem årene har vi i samarbejde med vores kunder opnået stor erfaring i at udvikle nye vigtige tilpasninger med teknisk plast og gummi. Vores effektive administration og produktionsplanlægning garanterer hurtig afgivning af tilbud samt sikker og kvik levering.
Vores medarbejdere besidder stor viden om materialer og bearbejdning, som vi omsætter i individuel rådgivning. I samarbejde med Linatex’ ingeniører får du altid den bedst mulige løsning til dit behov. Alle kundespecifikke løsninger kontrolleres under produktionen, så de lever op til tegningsmaterialets krav. Vi bruger kun certificerede leverandører, som producerer under streng kontrol. Produkterne testes i forhold til de specificerede materialeegenskaber. Dermed opnår vi altid et homogent materiale, som optræder konsekvent og holder en ensartet kvalitet.
Linatex ejes af S&K Group A/S, som er moderselskab for bl.a. Sørensen & Kofoed A/S, en af Danmarks største leverandører af teknisk gummi. Ejerskabet gør Linatex til et solidt foretagende, som også er klar til at betjene dig i fremtiden."
Vores medarbejdere besidder stor viden om materialer og bearbejdning, som vi omsætter i individuel rådgivning. I samarbejde med Linatex’ ingeniører får du altid den bedst mulige løsning til dit behov. Alle kundespecifikke løsninger kontrolleres under produktionen, så de lever op til tegningsmaterialets krav. Vi bruger kun certificerede leverandører, som producerer under streng kontrol. Produkterne testes i forhold til de specificerede materialeegenskaber. Dermed opnår vi altid et homogent materiale, som optræder konsekvent og holder en ensartet kvalitet.
Linatex ejes af S&K Group A/S, som er moderselskab for bl.a. Sørensen & Kofoed A/S, en af Danmarks største leverandører af teknisk gummi. Ejerskabet gør Linatex til et solidt foretagende, som også er klar til at betjene dig i fremtiden."
Cordura: "Cordura® is one of the most versatile fabrics ideally suited across a whole range of military end uses. Cordura® provides endurance and rugged durability for equipment exposed to extreme conditions and is resistant to cuts, tears and scuffs. Ounce for ounce, Cordura® is more durable than other fabrics.
Cordura® is:
2 x more durable than standard nylon
3 x more durable than polyester
10 x more durable than cotton duck
CORDURA® is a registered trademark of INVISTA for durable fabrics"
Cordura® is:
2 x more durable than standard nylon
3 x more durable than polyester
10 x more durable than cotton duck
CORDURA® is a registered trademark of INVISTA for durable fabrics"
CE-Tactical: "CE-Tactical produkter er fremstillet af de bedst mulige materialer. Det vil sige ægte Cordura, bonderet #69 nylon-tråd, Mil-Spec webbing samt mærkevare spænder og lynlåse."
ZumoCast - Stream your media to iPhone, iPad, and any browser. It's your personal cloud.
ZumoCast - Stream your media to iPhone, iPad, and any browser. It's your personal cloud.: "Access your media instantly!
Enjoy your entire collection of videos and music on the iPhone, iPad, and any browser; without the need to upload or sync."
Enjoy your entire collection of videos and music on the iPhone, iPad, and any browser; without the need to upload or sync."
YouTube - Autodesk Sustainability Workshop: Lightweighting 1
YouTube - Autodesk Sustainability Workshop: Lightweighting 1: "Autodesk Sustainability Workshop: Lightweighting 1"
Quiver - Pen holders for your treasured notebooks
Quiver - Pen holders for your treasured notebooks: "We are proud to present Quiver, thoughtfully crafted leather pen holders for your Moleskine or similarly-sized notebooks."
Dickson Sunbrella - Sunworker M1
Dickson Sunbrella - Sunworker M1: "HIGH-PERFORMANCE THERMAL BARRIER
Thanks to its highly regular, perforated micro-structure, the fabric acts as a genuine heat filter. It repels up to 92% of the warmth of the sun’s rays, thus avoiding any greenhouse effect and preventing buildings from overheating in summer. In winter, the process is reversed, thus maintaining heat within the building."
Thanks to its highly regular, perforated micro-structure, the fabric acts as a genuine heat filter. It repels up to 92% of the warmth of the sun’s rays, thus avoiding any greenhouse effect and preventing buildings from overheating in summer. In winter, the process is reversed, thus maintaining heat within the building."
Thermal Barrier
Dickson Sunbrella - Sunworker M1
Dickson Sunbrella - Sunworker M1: "HIGH-PERFORMANCE THERMAL BARRIER
Thanks to its highly regular, perforated micro-structure, the fabric acts as a genuine heat filter. It repels up to 92% of the warmth of the sun’s rays, thus avoiding any greenhouse effect and preventing buildings from overheating in summer. In winter, the process is reversed, thus maintaining heat within the building."
Thanks to its highly regular, perforated micro-structure, the fabric acts as a genuine heat filter. It repels up to 92% of the warmth of the sun’s rays, thus avoiding any greenhouse effect and preventing buildings from overheating in summer. In winter, the process is reversed, thus maintaining heat within the building."
Thermal Barrier
Math Project: Grades 6-9
Math Project: Grades 6-9: "First, some easy folding, to make a cube and pyramid:
1. This should be done in Top view (Camera / Standard Views / Top). You will automatically open SketchUp in top view if you choose one of the “plan view” templates at startup.
2. Use the Rectangle tool to make a square."
1. This should be done in Top view (Camera / Standard Views / Top). You will automatically open SketchUp in top view if you choose one of the “plan view” templates at startup.
2. Use the Rectangle tool to make a square."
Bruno's pages : Links : Tents : Software
Bruno's pages : Links : Tents : Software
This is a collection of links to tent and tension structure design softwares, this isn't complete and I'm not necessarily recommending any of these.
This is a collection of links to tent and tension structure design softwares, this isn't complete and I'm not necessarily recommending any of these.
- Sailcut - Sailcut CAD is a sail design and plotting software which allows you to design and visualise your own sail and compute the accurate development of all panels in flat sheets.
- Surface Evolver - The Surface Evolver is 'an interactive program for the study of surfaces shaped by surface tension and other energies'.
- douglas zongker - polyhedra models - Nothing to do with tents, but some great cut-out and stick-together models of the 13 Archimedean semi-regular polyhedra.
- ip slicer - A little tool for creating patterns to make the segments you need to assemble a sphere. It does it entirely with image files so you can turn an atlas into a globe etc..
- NJIT - The New Jersey Institute of Technology have a small fortran package for patterning. it doesn't seem to work, but maybe you'll have more luck than me.
- puzzles with polyhedra and numbers - Puzzles with polyhedra and numbers. In this site one can print copies of polyhedron puzzles (for non-commercial purposes only) and one can read several mathematical articles on the subject.
- Vinicius F. Arcaro homepage - Vinicius is a Brazilian engineer developing software for shell and tension structures.
- Taylors - Some AutoCAD lisp routines for manipulating polyface meshes, slicing and flattening them.
MPanel Software
MPanel Software: "Tensile fabric structure designers can now have a complete set of tools, running in industry standard CAD software, AutoCAD or Rhinoceros®.
MPanel is our flagship product and works inside AutoCAD . MPanel software runs in many older versions of AutoCAD, releases 14 through to 2010, so you don't have to buy the latest AutoCAD version to use our MPanel products!
MPanel-R is the identical product to, MPanel, except that it works as an add on toolbar inside Rhino 4.
MPanel and MPanel-R, incorporate a set of design tools into a user friendly interface to assist tensile fabric structure designers. MPanel works inside AutoCAD or Rhino as a floating tool bar, and manipulates your CAD drawing from the initial relaxation of a mesh to the final production panels for you to send to your plotter or cutter.
MPanel was developed to assist tensile fabric structure designers, but works equally well on other projects, such as tents, awnings, exhibition stands, and inflatable structures.From this....
to just a few clicksThe MPanel add-on toolbar works with AutoCAD and Rhino, so there is no need to learn a complete new CAD environment. We let you leverage your CAD skills, so you are up and running with MPanel in a very short time"
MPanel is our flagship product and works inside AutoCAD . MPanel software runs in many older versions of AutoCAD, releases 14 through to 2010, so you don't have to buy the latest AutoCAD version to use our MPanel products!
MPanel-R is the identical product to, MPanel, except that it works as an add on toolbar inside Rhino 4.
MPanel and MPanel-R, incorporate a set of design tools into a user friendly interface to assist tensile fabric structure designers. MPanel works inside AutoCAD or Rhino as a floating tool bar, and manipulates your CAD drawing from the initial relaxation of a mesh to the final production panels for you to send to your plotter or cutter.
MPanel was developed to assist tensile fabric structure designers, but works equally well on other projects, such as tents, awnings, exhibition stands, and inflatable structures.From this....
to just a few clicksThe MPanel add-on toolbar works with AutoCAD and Rhino, so there is no need to learn a complete new CAD environment. We let you leverage your CAD skills, so you are up and running with MPanel in a very short time"
form z vs rhino - Architosh Forums - Mac CAD and 3D Discussion
form z vs rhino - Architosh Forums - Mac CAD and 3D Discussion: "Originally Posted by frem001
It depends what you are planning on doing. I know that Rhino has some powerful scripts that allow you to flatten and label complex 3d shapes so it can be taken to a laser cutter and then assembled by hand. I haven't seen this in formz.
Both Rhino and formZ have the ability to flatten/unfold objects.
Rhino's buildt unfolding features are comparatively primitive, unless you spend $900 on a plug-on called Expander.
A suggestion would be to have a look at TouchCAD, which is built around the combination of 3D modeling and unfolding / fattenting features. It is the only true five-dimensional program, where all 3D panels are dynamically and parametrically linked to the unfolded patterns. These features integrate the production preparation and optimizing the use of material into the design process and generates production ready results very quickly. TouchCAD comes with a very extensive set of unfolding settings, such as split resolution, direction, overlaps/seam allowances, automatic coordinates, panel and point numbering, alignment marks, stretch unfold calculations, image unfolding etc. On the 3D side TouchCAD comes with a full set of modern push-pull tools, which works from any view and direction, dynamic cross sectioning which is absolute must-have for accurate shape control, etc."
It depends what you are planning on doing. I know that Rhino has some powerful scripts that allow you to flatten and label complex 3d shapes so it can be taken to a laser cutter and then assembled by hand. I haven't seen this in formz.
Both Rhino and formZ have the ability to flatten/unfold objects.
Rhino's buildt unfolding features are comparatively primitive, unless you spend $900 on a plug-on called Expander.
A suggestion would be to have a look at TouchCAD, which is built around the combination of 3D modeling and unfolding / fattenting features. It is the only true five-dimensional program, where all 3D panels are dynamically and parametrically linked to the unfolded patterns. These features integrate the production preparation and optimizing the use of material into the design process and generates production ready results very quickly. TouchCAD comes with a very extensive set of unfolding settings, such as split resolution, direction, overlaps/seam allowances, automatic coordinates, panel and point numbering, alignment marks, stretch unfold calculations, image unfolding etc. On the 3D side TouchCAD comes with a full set of modern push-pull tools, which works from any view and direction, dynamic cross sectioning which is absolute must-have for accurate shape control, etc."
TouchCAD training movies, image unfolding
TouchCAD training movies, image unfolding: "Sail Mapping (7.5 Mb / 5.52 minutes) illustrates the basic steps for importing a background image and mapping it on a sail. TouchCAD currently supports importing from Sails Science Sailmaker, Sail Pack Mouldslize, Azure, Quantum Spinnaker, Prosail, North Sails PAN, Autometrix VRML and point clouds in ASC II TAB format. The import methods may vary slightly between these packages."
opdeling i flader,
The Proving Ground by Nathan Miller: 3D Voronoi "Porn" in Grasshopper
The Proving Ground by Nathan Miller: 3D Voronoi "Porn" in Grasshopper: "There has been an interesting discussion going on over at the Grasshopper Google Group for achieving 3D Voronoi within the Grasshopper environment."
Finite element method - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Finite element method - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: "The finite element method (FEM) (its practical application often known as finite element analysis (FEA)) is a numerical technique for finding approximate solutions of partial differential equations (PDE) as well as of integral equations.
Delaunay triangulation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Delaunay triangulation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: "In mathematics, and computational geometry, a Delaunay triangulation for a set P of points in the plane is a triangulation DT(P) such that no point in P is inside the circumcircle of any triangle in DT(P).
Delaunay triangulations maximize the minimum angle of all the angles of the triangles in the triangulation; they tend to avoid skinny triangles. The triangulation was invented by Boris Delaunay in 1934[1].
For a set of points on the same line there is no Delaunay triangulation (in fact, the notion of triangulation is undefined for this case). For four points on the same circle (e.g., the vertices of a rectangle) the Delaunay triangulation is not unique: the two possible triangulations that split the quadrangle into two triangles satisfy the 'Delaunay condition', i.e., the requirement that the circumcircles of all triangles have empty interiors.
By considering circumscribed spheres, the notion of Delaunay triangulation extends to three and higher dimensions. Generalizations are possible to metrics other than Euclidean. However in these cases a Delaunay triangulation is not guaranteed to exist or be unique."
Delaunay triangulations maximize the minimum angle of all the angles of the triangles in the triangulation; they tend to avoid skinny triangles. The triangulation was invented by Boris Delaunay in 1934[1].
For a set of points on the same line there is no Delaunay triangulation (in fact, the notion of triangulation is undefined for this case). For four points on the same circle (e.g., the vertices of a rectangle) the Delaunay triangulation is not unique: the two possible triangulations that split the quadrangle into two triangles satisfy the 'Delaunay condition', i.e., the requirement that the circumcircles of all triangles have empty interiors.
By considering circumscribed spheres, the notion of Delaunay triangulation extends to three and higher dimensions. Generalizations are possible to metrics other than Euclidean. However in these cases a Delaunay triangulation is not guaranteed to exist or be unique."
opdeling i flader
Walking in a Triangulation - VoroWiki
Walking in a Triangulation - VoroWiki: "Given the Delaunay triangulation (DT) of a set S of n points and a query point p, the point location problem consists of determining inside which triangle of lies p.
This is a necessary operation for the incremental constructing of a DT, for deleting a vertex from it, and also for different spatial analysis operations.
The method described here is called walking in a triangulation, and does not need any pre-processing or any additional data structures.
The adjacency relationships between the simplices in a DT are used to perform the point location. The algorithm was described in the earliest papers about the construction of the DT in two dimensions (Gold et al., 1977)[1]; Green and Sibson, 1978[2]): in a DT, starting from a triangle τ, we move to one of the neighbours of τ (τ has 3 neighbours; we choose one neighbour such that the query point p and τ are on each side of the triangle shared by τ and its neighbour) until there is no such neighbour, then the triangle containing p is τ. The algorithm is illustrated on the right."
Voronoi Diagrams and Delaunay Triangulation
Voronoi Diagrams and Delaunay Triangulation: "A Voronoi diagram is a geometric structure that represents proximity information about a set of points or objects. Given a set of sites or objects, the plane is partitioned by assigning to each point its nearest site. The points whose nearest site are not unique, form the Voronoi diagram. That is, the points on the Voronoi diagram are equidistant to two or more sites."
opdeling i flader,
Modeling from Photographic Reference in 3DsMax
Modeling from Photographic Reference in 3DsMax: "Tutorials\Autodesk 3Ds Max
Modeling from Photographic Reference in 3DsMax"
Modeling from Photographic Reference in 3DsMax"
PhotoModeler - 3D PHOTO
PhotoModeler - 3D PHOTO: "Hvad er PhotoModeler ?
PhotoModeler er et Windowsbaseret software udviklet til opmåling og modelfremstilling af 3D objekter ved hjælp af fotooptagelser"
PhotoModeler er et Windowsbaseret software udviklet til opmåling og modelfremstilling af 3D objekter ved hjælp af fotooptagelser"
OTV Plast - plast bearbejdning, plast prototyper og salg af plast halvfabrikata
OTV Plast - plast bearbejdning, plast prototyper og salg af plast halvfabrikata: "Lagersalg
Fra vores velassorterede lager af plast halvfabrikata (stænger, rør og plader), tilbyder vi dag-dag levering. Vores CNC-styrede formatsav skærer emnerne på fixmål - helt efter Deres ønske"
Fra vores velassorterede lager af plast halvfabrikata (stænger, rør og plader), tilbyder vi dag-dag levering. Vores CNC-styrede formatsav skærer emnerne på fixmål - helt efter Deres ønske"
OTV Plast - salg af plast halvfabrikata - plader, stænger og emnerør i plast
OTV Plast - salg af plast halvfabrikata - plader, stænger og emnerør i plast: "Valg af plasttype
Skemaet herunder er ikke en komplet oversigt over anvendelsesområder og plasttyper. Kontakt OTV, hvis du søger plast til andre opgaver.
1 = kan i få tilfælde anvendes, 2 = brugbart i nogle situationer,
3 = kan anbefales, 4 = bedste valg"
Skemaet herunder er ikke en komplet oversigt over anvendelsesområder og plasttyper. Kontakt OTV, hvis du søger plast til andre opgaver.
1 = kan i få tilfælde anvendes, 2 = brugbart i nogle situationer,
3 = kan anbefales, 4 = bedste valg"
Bord - Pallet - M/hærdet glasplade - 120*80 cm "Kan man andet end begejstres?
Mål: 120*80 cm - H:35 cm.
Materiale: Mangotræ og hærdet glasplade. Kan tørres over med en hårdt opvredet klud.
Vægt: 24,7 kg."
Mål: 120*80 cm - H:35 cm.
Materiale: Mangotræ og hærdet glasplade. Kan tørres over med en hårdt opvredet klud.
Vægt: 24,7 kg."
Patent Searching and Inventing Resources
Patent Searching and Inventing Resources: "e FreePatentsOnline search engine is one of the most powerful, fastest and easiest patent search engines on the web. Our search allows advanced search techniques such as word stemming, proximity searching, relevancy ranking and search term weighting to help you find exactly what you are looking for. And, our account features let you organize, annotate and share documents, and Alerts let you instantly be notified when new documents of interest are published."
Olfa RTY-2/DX - Rotary
Rotary Olfa RTY-2/DX
Rullekniv, 189,95 DKK
DO Trading ApS/ CVR: 16781835
Gl. Køge Landevej 119, 2500 Valby
Tlf.: 36468416
Knive og reserveblade – Hobbyknivblade og reserve knivblade fra Olfa:
Rullekniv, 189,95 DKK
DO Trading ApS/ CVR: 16781835
Gl. Køge Landevej 119, 2500 Valby
Tlf.: 36468416
Knive og reserveblade – Hobbyknivblade og reserve knivblade fra Olfa:
OLFA Deluxe 45mm safety rotary cutter
OLFA: "Deluxe 45mm safety rotary cutter. The ergonomic design provides reducesd fatigue. Features a dual-action safety mechanism. Accommodates both right- and left-handed users."
Vertex Tools Google SketchUp Plugin Review | Sketchup Plugin Reviews
Vertex Tools Google SketchUp Plugin Review Sketchup Plugin Reviews: "Vertex Tools Google SketchUp Plugin Review"
Bådpresenning - 3D PHOTO
Bådpresenning - 3D PHOTO: "Opmåling til en ny presenning kan være en drilsk affære, men ikke ved hjælp af fotogrammetri. I dette tilfælde skal der laves en ny foldbar presenning til cockpittet. Den skal tilpasses kanten af cockpittet og fæstnes til sprayhood'en."
Bådpresenning - 3D PHOTO
Bådpresenning - 3D PHOTO: "Til SketchUp kan man downloade et unfold program, som er i stand til at udfolde dugen, så tegningen kan anvendes i en skæremaskine"
Interclamps - beslag til rørsamling
Interclamps - beslag til rørsamling: "Interclamp® er et engelsk produkt som PF mobility har agenturet på i Danmark.
De unikke Interclamps anvendes i mange sammenhænge, hvor man ønsker at samle et eller flere rør.
Det er næsten kun fantasien der sætter grænser for hvad man kan lave.
Beslagene er varmgalvaniserede og leveres i op til 5 forskellige dimensioner."
Flyspænde 40mm
Flyspænde 40mm: "Pris: DKK 20,80
DKK 26,00 inkl. 25% moms.Skindhuset A/S
Skindergade 6
DK-1159 København K
Telefon: +45 33138831
Vævet bånd - Poly-Dk - Rope & Cord
Vævet Bånd
Vi tilbyder et komplet program af vævet bånd i alle farver, kvaliteter, fra 10mm i bredden til 150 mm i P.P. Multifilament fiber, Polyester fiber og Dyneema® fiber.
Speciel fremstilling efter kundeønske, vores laser maskine skærer og bearbejder båndene præcis efter Deres ønske.
Vi tilbyder et komplet program af vævet bånd i alle farver, kvaliteter, fra 10mm i bredden til 150 mm i P.P. Multifilament fiber, Polyester fiber og Dyneema® fiber.
Speciel fremstilling efter kundeønske, vores laser maskine skærer og bearbejder båndene præcis efter Deres ønske.
MPAC: Hook & Loop
MPAC: Hook & Loop: "MPAC tilbyder et omfattende hook & Loop program med et farveudvalg på over 500 forskellige farver
Vores kvalitet er på samme niveau eller højere end markedets topmærker, men prisen og flexibiliteten indenfor farver og varianter er mere konkurrencedygtige
MPAC tilbyder ikke kun standard Hook & Loop, men også en hel række alternativer og forbedrede produkter:"
20101015 - -: "Akustik, aktiviteter og rumtyper
Løsningen er udarbejdet af Bo Mortensen, Akustik"
Akustik, aktiviteter og rumtyper
Løsningen er udarbejdet af Bo Mortensen, Akustik
I det følgende anføres en række af de akustiske hensyn som knytter sig til forskellige rumtyper og aktiviteter:
Klar akustiske kommunikation,- altså en forholdsvis
Løsningen er udarbejdet af Bo Mortensen, Akustik"
Akustik, aktiviteter og rumtyper
Løsningen er udarbejdet af Bo Mortensen, Akustik
I det følgende anføres en række af de akustiske hensyn som knytter sig til forskellige rumtyper og aktiviteter:
Klar akustiske kommunikation,- altså en forholdsvis - -: "Materialer
Løsningen er udarbejdet af Bo Mortensen, Akustik
Loftets struktur med eventuelle bjælker, kassetter eller lign. har kun sjældent væsentlig indflydelse på idrætshallens akustiske forhold. I det følgende anføres en række muligheder og eksempler på akustiske bearbejdninger af lofter. De anførte materialer skal i alle tilfælde vurderes i forhold til samtlige øvrige materialehensyn, eksempelvis krav vedrørende fugt, rengøring, brand, holdbarhed mv."
Løsningen er udarbejdet af Bo Mortensen, Akustik
Loftets struktur med eventuelle bjælker, kassetter eller lign. har kun sjældent væsentlig indflydelse på idrætshallens akustiske forhold. I det følgende anføres en række muligheder og eksempler på akustiske bearbejdninger af lofter. De anførte materialer skal i alle tilfælde vurderes i forhold til samtlige øvrige materialehensyn, eksempelvis krav vedrørende fugt, rengøring, brand, holdbarhed mv."
Installation Guides - pinta acoustic, inc.
Installation Guides - pinta acoustic, inc.: "pinta acoustic's products are quick and easy to install. Here are the basic things you need to know before you begin. Click here to read.
PDF Installation Guides
Baffle Installation
Panel Installation
Ceiling Tile Installation
FABRITEC Installation"
PDF Installation Guides
Baffle Installation
Panel Installation
Ceiling Tile Installation
FABRITEC Installation"
Acoustic Foams Willtec Specs
Acoustic Foams Willtec Specs: "New and Improved SONEX
Setting the Industry Standard with willtec® (a Dupont product)
willtec®, the raw material which Class1 SONEX foams are made from, is semi-flexible and easy to cut, mold, trim, laminate and install. SONEX products made with willtec® have the following properties:"
Setting the Industry Standard with willtec® (a Dupont product)
willtec®, the raw material which Class1 SONEX foams are made from, is semi-flexible and easy to cut, mold, trim, laminate and install. SONEX products made with willtec® have the following properties:"
- Excellent heat insulation properties with no flaming drip (see figure 1 below) Resistance to constant temperatures as high as 302 °F (short-term up to 482 °F possible)
- Compliance with ASTM E 84 Class 1 requirements (see below)
- Fiber-Free
- ISO 9001 certified Light-weight, semi-flexible, with very low density (see figure 2 below)
- Excellent sound control characteristics in a wide range of frequencies
- Resistance to organic solvents and a variety of diluted acids and alkali
- Economic use, easy installation, and effortless maintenance
- Available in uncoated natural white or coated with special finishes
willtec® can withstand extreme temperatures with no flaming drip |
Magnified view of willtec® internal structure of slim, flexible webs |
Fabric-Wrapped Panels - Fabritec
Fabric-Wrapped Panels - Fabritec: "FABRITEC Wall Panels easily add texture, color and acoustical balance to any room. Choose from a variety of fabrics, colors and textures, including Guilford FR701 and microperforated vinyl. All FABRITEC Wall Panels are made-to-order with either square or beveled edges."
Rite in the Rain Cordura 3 in. x 5 in. & 4 in. x 6 in. Notebook Covers
Rite in the Rain Cordura 3 in. x 5 in. & 4 in. x 6 in. Notebook Covers: "Rite in the Rain Cordura Notebook Cover
These Cordura® Covers fit all 3' x 5' or 4' x 6' top spiral notebooks. They have a rugged zipper closure and hold up to 4 writing utensils!
3' x 5' Cordura® Covers:
• Fits One Top Spiral 3' x 5' Notebook
• Outside size: 4' x 5.875'
• Binding: Cordura®
• Weight: 0.1 lb. ea
• Available in Tan, Black or ACU
4' x 6' Cordura® Covers:
• Fits One 4' x 6' Top Spiral Notebook
• Outside size: 5' x 7 1/4'
• Binding: Cordura®
• Weight: 0.15 lb. ea
• Available in Tan, Black or ACU"
These Cordura® Covers fit all 3' x 5' or 4' x 6' top spiral notebooks. They have a rugged zipper closure and hold up to 4 writing utensils!
3' x 5' Cordura® Covers:
• Fits One Top Spiral 3' x 5' Notebook
• Outside size: 4' x 5.875'
• Binding: Cordura®
• Weight: 0.1 lb. ea
• Available in Tan, Black or ACU
4' x 6' Cordura® Covers:
• Fits One 4' x 6' Top Spiral Notebook
• Outside size: 5' x 7 1/4'
• Binding: Cordura®
• Weight: 0.15 lb. ea
• Available in Tan, Black or ACU"
ITW HK Style 1 Slot Snap Hooks
ITW HK Style 1 Slot Snap Hooks: "HK style 1' slot Snap Hooks
Purchased a little more for my prototype projects to share to the public. Available in the harder to find Foliage and Coyote colors. Will still eventually scratch up, but have a nice flat matte color while it lasts."
Purchased a little more for my prototype projects to share to the public. Available in the harder to find Foliage and Coyote colors. Will still eventually scratch up, but have a nice flat matte color while it lasts."
Patterning and Formfinding Software
Patterning and Formfinding Software: "Aeronaut staff are often asked for information on software for the design and patterning of tension membrane, shade sail and lightweight structures, so we've posted some links on this page to well known design software for fabric stuctures."
TouchCAD training movies, fabrics
TouchCAD training movies, fabrics: "Digitize (3 Mb / 2.18 minutes) illustrate the basic steps for digitizing a boat hood, exporting it to TouchCAD, skinning and unfolding it, and exporting the result as a ready to cut file in DXF-AAMA format.
For further information regarding the hardware used, click here."
For further information regarding the hardware used, click here."
Making Lasers Cut Things
Making Lasers Cut Things: ". Denne del er sort i op til dig, baseret på, hvad slags laser cutter, du bruger. This part is kind of up to you, based on what kind of laser cutter you're using. For os, tager vi vores SVG og overføre den til en pc, der har CorelDraw. For us, we take our SVG and transfer it to a PC that has CorelDraw. Så vil vi gøre alle de slag 'hårgrænsen', position billedet i det rigtige sted på billedplanet, og derefter bogstaveligt talt vælge 'Udskriv' for at sende den til kutteren. Then we make all of the strokes 'hairline', position the image in the right place on the picture plane, and then literally select 'Print' to send it to the cutter. Alt fra der er på laser cutter udgang. Everything from there is on the laser cutter's end"
Laser Cut Stencil Letters
Laser Cut Stencil Letters: "Laser Cut Stencil Letters
Dette er et simpelt sæt af instruktioner til alle med adgang til en laser cutter om, hvordan man bruger en vektor-baseret grafik program til at ændre teksten på en sådan måde, at det bliver laser-cut venlige. This is a simple set of instructions for anyone with access to a laser cutter on how to use a vector-based graphics program to alter text in such a way as to make it laser-cut friendly."
Dette er et simpelt sæt af instruktioner til alle med adgang til en laser cutter om, hvordan man bruger en vektor-baseret grafik program til at ændre teksten på en sådan måde, at det bliver laser-cut venlige. This is a simple set of instructions for anyone with access to a laser cutter on how to use a vector-based graphics program to alter text in such a way as to make it laser-cut friendly."
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