Wolfram Demonstrations Project: Triangular Koch Fractal Surface
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Danmarks største lagerprogram
Vi handler med de fleste metaller; aluminium, messing, kobber, bronze, nysølv og mange flere.
Der er altid over 1700 tons og 4000 dimensioner på lager, og vi udvider fortsat.
Vi sælger plader, stænger, rør, profiler, fladskinner, bånd, tråd m.m.
Vores kendetegn er et finmasket udvalg af dimensioner - fra de mindste til de største og alle de skæve imellem. Derfor kan vi oftest levere præcis den dimension, du søger.
A/S Metalcentret
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Viden om Træ er også en del af aktiviteterne bag ved Udviklingscenter for Møbler og Træ i Skive, hvor Skive Tekniske Skole, TIC-Viborg, Viborg Amt og Teknologisk Institut sammen med møbelindustrien skaber et kreativt udviklings- og læringsmiljø til fremme af møbelindustrien. Nye uddannelser, nye produkter, nye virksomhedsorganiseringer er alt sammen tiltag, der stiller krav om opdateret og aktuel viden. Viden, som der kan bruges relativt mange ressourcer og tid på at finde og sikre kvaliteten af.
OSB- & K-spånplade huset
SketchUp Updates
20110827 - Uldfilt i farve: 203 vanille - Uldfilt i farve: 203 vanille: "
Pris for 2 og 5 mm tykkelse bliver beregnet ved valg af tykkelse.
Uldfilt i farve: 203 vanille
Tip en ven
Uldfilt i 100% ren uld. Bredde 180 cm og tykkelser på 2 mm, 3 mm og 5 mm. Mange farver
UldfiIt i farve: 203 vanille
100 % ren fåreuld
Hårdhed: 0,28 g/cm3
Tykkelse: 2, 3 eller 5 mm
Bredde: 180 cm
Vand- og smudsafvisende
Mange dejlige farver.
Alle farver fås i 3 mm tykkelse. Nogen af farverne i 2 mm tykkelse og nogen farver i 5 mm tykkelse.
Find din farve og se hvilke tykkelser, der er til rådighed.
Til møbler, hynder, kunsthåndværk, filttæpper, bordskånere, bordløbere, vægtæpper, akustikforbedring, tavler ...
Pris pr. løbende meter i 180 cm bredde. Den angivne pris er for uldfilten i 3 mm tykkelse.
Pris for 2 og 5 mm tykkelse bliver beregnet ved valg af tykkelse."
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Centerfinder and trammel in one
Centerfinder and trammel in one
Here's one simple jig that does the work of two. Use it to locate the center of round stock, or use the increment holes to mark different sizes of circles and arcs.
Cut the body to the size and shape noted on the drawing at right from 3/4" stock. Using a hacksaw, crosscut a piece of 1/8x1" aluminum bar stock to 12" in length for the blade. Mark the screwhole centerpoints and increment hole centerpoints on the blade, where dimensioned on the Hole Location Detail. Using your drill press, drill three countersunk screwholes through the blade. Then drill the increment holes and the pivot hole. Drilling through the aluminum will create rough surfaces, so sand the aluminum smooth with 220-grit sandpaper.
Use a square to positon the blade perpendicular to the end of the body at the apex of the V-shaped notch. Using the screw holes in the blade as guides, drill pilot holes into the wood body. Screw the two pieces together.
Using the tool
To find the center of round stock, such as the bowl blank shown above, rotate the body of the tool around the diameter of the stock and mark a pair of roughly perpendicular intersecting lines as shown. The intersection marks the centerpoint.
To use as a trammel, fit an awl, nail, or other pointed object through the pivot hole in the body and blade. Using one of the previously drilled increment holes in the bar, rotate the tool around the trammel pivot point to mark a circle or arc, as shown, at right.
COMPUTER MUS Træningsbold
Hold en pause ind imellem, når du sidder ved computeren. Når du arbejder med bolden (blot ved at klemme den) øger du blodcirkulationen og får arbejdet med de små muskler der findes i fingre, hænder og arme. Bruges også som afstresning og når du først har en kan du ikke undvære den."
Topo Designs – Backpacks, Bags and Accessories Made in Colorado, USA » Collection » Catalog Products » Klettersack
Topo Designs – Backpacks, Bags and Accessories Made in Colorado, USA » Collection » Catalog Products » Klettersack: "Klettersack
Our classic Klettersack. An ideal travel companion, workmate or pack mule for the daily hike in the hills. We use 1000d Cordura for the exterior and coated pack cloth for an entirely lined inner compartment. Our natural leather lash tabs are perfect for securing extra gear or attaching a bike light.
All of our bags are handmade in our LEED Certified shop here in Colorado."
20110512 | About the Prints
Rag Photographique is a 100% cotton museum grade white Fine Art and photo paper. The exceptional smooth white tone is achieved during manufacturing by introducing natural minerals to the process. It has been developed to address the need for continued longevity requirements in the Digital Fine Art market.
Rag Photographique offers a unique extra smooth surface with a sensual feel. It also provides one of the highest achievable Dmax currently available on the market, making it ideal for fine art photography as well as fine art printmaking.
All prints are printed at Digital Design Österlenin Sweden, a certified Digigraphie Lab, on Epson Stulys Pro 9900 printers. With this printer and the Canson RAG paper, the prints are guaranteed to last for at least 69 years before noticeable fading or changes in color balance if framed under normal glass. If you use UV-protcted glass the print will last for more than 120 years. For more details about testing papers see "
Determinación geométrica de los números primos y perfectos
Determinación geométrica de los números primos y perfectos: "Determinación geométrica de los números primos y perfectos."
NASA - About NASA Education
These accomplishments share a common genesis: education. As the United States begins the second century of flight, the Nation must maintain its commitment to excellence in science, technology, engineering and mathematics education to ensure that the next generation of Americans can accept the full measure of their roles and responsibilities in shaping the future.
NASA will continue the Agency’s tradition of investing in the Nation’s education programs and supporting the country’s educators who play a key role in preparing, inspiring, exciting, encouraging, and nurturing the young minds of today who will be the workforce of tomorrow. In 2006 and beyond, NASA will continue to pursue three major education goals: -- Strengthening NASA and the Nation's future workforce -- Attracting and retaining students in science, technology, engineering and mathematics, or STEM, disciplines -- Engaging Americans in NASA's mission"
NASA - A Pictorial History of Rockets
Gatopardos - The Biggest Video Bank - Mesh modeling in AutoCAD 2010 starting with a rectangle. Videos
Gatopardos - The Biggest Video Bank - Mesh modeling in AutoCAD 2010 starting with a rectangle. Videos: "Mesh modeling in AutoCAD 2010 starting with a rectangle."
Create Meshes (Concept)-Autodesk AutoCAD 2008 Users Guide-kxcad
- Ruled mesh. RULESURF creates a polygon mesh representing the ruled surface between two lines or curves.
- Tabulated mesh. TABSURF creates a polygon mesh representing a general tabulated surface defined by the extrusion of a line or curve (called a path curve) in a specified direction and distance (called a direction vector).
- Revolved mesh. REVSURF creates a polygon mesh approximating a surface of revolution by rotating a path curve or profile (lines, circles, arcs, ellipses, elliptical arcs, polylines, or splines, closed polylines, polygons, closed splines, or donuts) about a specified axis.
- Edge-defined mesh. EDGESURF creates a polygon mesh approximating a Coons surface patch mesh from four adjoining edges. A Coons surface patch mesh is a bicubic surface interpolated between four adjoining edges (which can be general space curves).
- Predefined 3D mesh. 3D creates three-dimensional polygon mesh objects in common geometric shapes, including boxes, cones, spheres, tori, wedges, and pyramids.
- General meshes. 3DMESH and PFACE create three-dimensional polygon mesh objects in any shape.
3d structures constructed out of identical panels I digital folding | ampula
Both methods should generate 3d structures constructed out of identical panels. Using it in real life is significant price-cutting factor, although there is a possibility of massive prototyping of individual elements folding ampula
UrbanGENE: geometry
Engel points out that origami has been taken up in this country by mathematicians rather than artists. He says: "To the mathematician, the beauty oforigami is its simple geometry. Latent in every pristine piece of paper are undis-closed geometric patterns, combinations of angles, and ratios that per-mit the paper to assume interesting and symmetrical shapes."An origami figure always begins with a single square piece of paper. Only folding, with no cutting or pasting, is permitted.
in: Jay Kappraff (1990) Connections. The geometric bridge between art and science.
UrbanGENE: geometry: "Peter Engel Origami Patterns
Shape Grammars of Ice-ray Chinese Lattice Designs : haldane liew
rule 1 : 3 sided polygon -> 3 sided + 4 sided polygon
rule 2 : 4 sided polygon -> 4 sided + 4 sided polygon
AutoDesSys | formZ Features
MYOG: The Incredible Rulk - Rucksack and Pulk Combo @ Backpacking Light "Starting out. The pack extends some inches aft (on the left) of the Rulk, and the cellpad is cinched in place using sternum strap and hip belt."
Japan's Ikaros Spacecraft Successfully Propelled by Solar Sail | Inhabitat - Green Design Will Save the World
Japan's Ikaros Spacecraft Successfully Propelled by Solar Sail Inhabitat - Green Design Will Save the World: "Each photon of light exerts 0.0002 pounds of pressure on the 3,000-square-foot sail, and one after another they succeeded in propelling the nearly 700-pound drone. Japanese scientists expect to be able to control IKAROS’s velocity by adjusting the angle at which incoming radiation strikes the sails. For a full technical explanation of how the drone is moving, check out the Japanese space agency JAXA’s press release."
Chamber Music Hall - Zaha Hadid Architects
July 2009: "A voluminous ribbon swirls within the room, carving out a spatial and visual response to the intricate relationships of Bach’s harmonies. As the ribbon careens above the performer, cascades into the ground and wraps around the audience, the original room as a box is sculpted into fluid spaces swelling, merging, and slipping through one another.
Chamber Music Hall
Design Team: Zaha Hadid Architects" via Bustler
Product no.: 708534,90 EUR /Pcs
19 % VAT incl. excl. Shipping costs
Non-separating, one-way coilzipper by YKK. A pu-coating on the the zippertape makes it waterrepellant. Ideal for waterproof clothes, softshells etc. Can be shortened to the required length.
Typ: 5CN
Coilwidth: ca. 6,5mm
Total width: ca. 31 mm
Length: 25 cm
Weight: 11 g
Price per piece
YKK AQUAGUARD, one-way, non-separatable, 25cm - extremtextil - materials for your outdoor-sewing-projects
extremtextil ships worldwide! Shipping will be calculated during checkout. For more information see the international shipping conditions or ask for details. If your country doesn't appear in the dropdown-menue or shipping is calculated oddly, please contact us. Not all countries are updated in the system."
Geometry Gym
Geometry Gym: "Geometry Gym
Exploring techniques and ideas for design and assessment of structures. Particularly linking Rhino3d with structural analysis programs to assess and explore shape and form."
Carmo: About Carmo
The core business of Carmo is our own range of products, such as:
- Weldable eyelets and attachments for use with PVC or PUR foils or coated
- reinforced materials.
- Valves for inflating, overpressure and vacuum valves.
- Threaded nozzles and caps for use with liquids or drystuff.
- In the medical field Carmo is a market leader on drainage valves, connectors and
- certain fittings for medical bags."
Carmo A/S - Højvangen 19DK - 3060 Espergærde - Phone: +45 49 12 21 00
Bernh. J. Plastic
Prøvestensbroen 3, 2300 Kbh S, Tlf. 32 54 12 33, Fax 32 54 14 38, SE/CVR. 10081033"
20110213 - Online form finding
Online form finding of membrane structures - with just a few clicks...
If you are looking membrane design or to create digital models of tensile structures you've found the right spot. Use our online tools and just contact us for additional information. We can support you for many questions along the process of membrane structure design.
Sunday, 05 April 2009 00:00
Don't know what is all about? Then take a look at this video."
Architecture and Structural Engineering, textile roofs
Generation of cutting patterns is the process conceptually analogous to the problem of creating maps of the surface of the earth meaning the creation of planar cloth geometries from doubly-curved form-found surfaces. Obviously, whatever technique is used, introducing distortions is an obligatory step in achieving desired results. However, it is common for more distortion than necessary to be applied, and for the distortion to be badly localized. Preferences should be given to the strategies which, as well as providing the highest quality patterns, enable sophisticated monitoring of the distortions due to the enormous variety of patterning situations.
Tension revisited: MPanel - Fabric Architecture
The first of Fabric Architecture’s series of reviews of tension structure software ran in these pages 10 years ago. Time for an update."
Bezier Splines in SketchUp Using Ruby Scripts: AECbytes Tips and Tricks
View topic - [Plugin Beta] Curviloft 1.1a - 12 Jan 11 (Loft & Skinning) • SketchUcation Community Forums
Loft by Spline joins separate contours, open or closed, by smooth splines
Loft along Path joins contours, along a given rail curve.
Skinning create surfaces bounded by 4 or 3 contiguous contours
Curviloft examples.png
Because there are many solutions to calculate Loft and Skinning geometries, the script offers various options to adjust parameters depending on the configuration of contours."
The Camping Addict » » Fiskars/Gerber Sport Survival Utility Tool Pack
we dont do retro » Blog Archive » Consumer Adoption of Rapid Manufacturing Technologies – Part 3
08Apr08 by Matt Sinclair"
So far I have looked at ways in which rapid manufacturing technologies might become available to consumers, and the reasons why product design for rapid manufacturing is easier than for mass manufacturing. In the final part of this extended post I want to address the only other remaining hurdle to consumers designing and manufacturing their own products: the tools they will use to design with.
Consumer co-design, sometimes called co-creation, is a topic that’s been written about at length by design researchers. At it’s purest it involves the end user, or typical representatives of end users, entering the design process and creating products or services as part of a design team. In practice though, co-design is often little more than an enhanced customer research exercise. End users might be asked about their needs and desires, encouraged to offer suggestions, and even invited to critique proposed solutions. But there is no doubt it is the designers who are expert, and who make the final decision.
As a designer myself, I confess I find it difficult to break free of this mindset – surely my training and experience mean I am able to understand what a market of consumers will want better than an individual consumer themself might? But the point is, what I think will end up being irrelevant if consumers are able to design their own products. Why should a consumer care that I think their product is crass or crude, if it’s exactly what they want, and they’ve made it? At the moment though, I have one trick up my sleeve – I can use CAD, to design a product and to communicate that design to the means of production, in a way that no non-designer can. All the time designers and design engineers can monopolise the expertise needed to create CAD data, consumer created products will not happen
class A surfacing | class A surface| Digital Sculpting - Geometric Continuity 101; overview
...In this class-a we’ll be talking about G0, G1, G2, G3, and G4 continuity types, and exploring what they mean at a very basic level. This will be a very high-level overview, and in future tutorials we’ll delve more into the details of what these concepts mean in the context of class-a surfacing.
Digital Sculpting - Class A Surfacing
Knowledge and Definitions - Surface and Curve Continuities
Build Your own 3D Scanner Using a Webcam | The Daily CatchUp
You can set up your own 3D scanning and 3D Printing company literally is days, with technologies such as this for 3D Scanning and the MakerBot or RepRap for 3D Printing.
Short URL:"
Build Your own 3D Printer With MakerBot | The Daily CatchUp
Then there are the hobbyists, the so-called DYI or Do-It-Yourself people. MakerBot INDUSTRIES is a companies which sells Open Source ‘plans’ that allow you to build and operate your own 3D printer.
Check them out at the MakerBot INDUSTRIES website.
Also see the page for using Google SketchUp with MakerBot.
Short URL:"
View topic - Plugins Index (update 2011-01-08) • SketchUcation Community Forums
by Jim on Fri Jun 04, 2010 4:19 pm
This is a list of SketchUp plugins which have been posted on the SketchUcation Plugins Forum."
YouTube - unfold_tool_example.wmv
YouTube - unfold_tool_example.wmv: "Here is a video example of one way upi can use Jim Foltz Unfold plugin for Sketchup.
Please be sure to visit Jim's site and check out more cool Sketchup Plugins he has been working on.
For more examples of the unfold tool in combination with Sketchup and the Phlatscript used to bring virtual objects into the real world using the Phlatprinter please visit us @
Thank you for watching
Mark and Trish
Jim's SketchUp [Plugins] Blog: unfold
by Jim on 5/26/2008 5 comments Links to this post
This is just a demo video showing a new interface for my Unfold Tool. Instead of needing to click every segment of a curve, you can click and drag to select them.
Special thanks to alz for the suggestion."
Gauss Map and Curvature - Wolfram Demonstrations Project
Snapshot 3: degenerate saddle |
The Geometry of Bending
When you bend a thin strip of an elastic material you get a beautifully shaped curve. What geometry does this curve follow? Please help unravel this mystery by commenting these posts!"
Math on the Street: Mathematical Origami Links
Instructions for Making Origami Polyhedra
Instructions for Making Other Origami Figures
Mathematics in Origami
Using Origami to Teach Standard Mathematics Topics
Origami as a Field of Mathematics
Applications of Mathematical Origami
History of the Sonobe Module"
History of Curved Origami Sculpture
Erik Demaine and Martin Demaine
[Croatian translation]
There is a surprisingly old history to curved origami sculpture, going back to the 1920s at the Bauhaus. We give here a partial history focusing on the earliest known references."
Curved Folding Papers - Curved Folding
If you have more papers, then post a link in the comments..."
Stand Up Architecture: Freeform surfaces from single curved panels
Since I found out last week that the proposed system only can be used to make single curved surfaces I started searching for methods (for example a Rhino Plugin) to convert a freeform surface into single curved (developable) panels.
I found out that Rhino has a method for lofting developable surfaces on basis of polygons, curves or Bsplines. I tried this method to loft some Bsplines into developable surfaces, but I experienced some problems, especially with lofting complex shapes. In these cases, the method doesn’t produce very fluent shapes, in comparison to double curved lofting methods.
On the internet I found a very interesting paper called 'Freeform surfaces from single curved panels'. The paper describes a method to approximate double curved surfaces by single curved D-strips (click here to read this paper). The method was developed by H. Pottmann. Besides the geometrical explanation of the method, the papers also shows some very convincing examples of freeform shapes which are constructed out of developable (single curved) D-strips............"
Lamina Design
Lamina Design: "About Lamina software
Lamina 1.0 makes it easy to fabricate large scale free-form structures from planar (sheet) materials like plastic, metal, or plywood. This fabrication technology can be applied to interior design, building architecture, lighting, signage, clothing, and sculpture.
Lamina 1.0 uses computer methods to build precise physical structures in the real world. Your 3D model is approximated by a number of 2D parts that are numerically cut and attached to fabricate the final structure. Laser cutting, abrasive waterjet cutting and plasma cutting services are widely available and make creating parts inexpensive and fast."
3D print - Teknologi
Rambølls nyindkøbte 3D-printer fremstiller gipsmodeller med udgangspunkt i 3D-modeller udarbejdet i et CAD-system. Den håndterer både farver og materialer, som følger med modellen.
Materialet er gips, som bliver limet sammen med farvet lim, og det er hemmeligheden bagved de billige priser. Printeren læser CAD-modellen lag for lag og giver mulighed for at fremstille de mest komplicerede dobbeltkrumme flader, uden problemer.
Har du modeller, som du gerne vil have printet, kan du sende dem til vurdering og få oplyst pris og leveringstid. Vejledende priser finder du her på siden. Du kan sende din model til Thomas Lundsgaard.
Har du store modeller, som ikke kan sendes pr. mail, kan du bruge vores ProjectWEB til overførsel af filerne.
Læs mere om teknologien og se eksempler på nogle af modellerne her på siden"